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Indiana Summer Steelhead – 8/24/2011

Posted by on August 30, 2011

I couldn’t help but to go back to Indiana for round two of the chaotic small stream summer steelhead fishing.  If you go fish the small creeks in Indiana be prepared to loose some fish, but also be prepared for some exciting leaps and extremely fast runs.  Leaping fish will often bounce off the banks or whizz right past your head!  Fish will run in and out of log jams which sometimes if you really want to land them you can feed your rod through the fallen trees and actually recover the fish, like I did with this 15 lb buck!  He ran about 60 feet downstream under two fallen trees and I followed with my rod and eventually got the fish on the beach.

A big slab of summer steelhead


Fishing should remain good in Indiana from now through winter with the best action following any rain.  Once the water starts to drop after a storm you will have fresh fish in the rivers that quite possibly have seen little to no fisherman there entire life.  Up in Wisconsin I’ve heard reports of some fish showing up in the harbors in good numbers.  Only a short time before they start swimming upstream.  With the cooler nights we’ve been having the water temps are looking good and I wouldn’t be surprised to find some fish in the rivers any day now.  So I’ll be giving Indiana a rest for now and focusing on Wisconsin’s tributaries for my migratory trout fix.


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