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Trouterspace – New Address

Just want to let the viewers know that I will be starting to post at a new address. I’m currently working on a new site that will have some more features including a fly catalog for anyone interested in buying some locally tied trout, steelhead, bass, pike, and musky flies. Visit for a recent … Continue reading »

Categories: steelhead, Wisconsin trout | Comments Off on Trouterspace – New Address

Steelhead Update – South Milwaukee

I had the chance to fish yesterday and despite the cold temperature and the high flows my friend Bret and I headed for the smallest tributaries which recover much quicker after a high water event than larger drainages. We were not surprised to see fisherman everywhere when we arrived, but we still found some open … Continue reading »

Categories: steelhead, Wisconsin trout | 3 Comments

Steelhead Update – South Milwaukee

I had the chance to fish yesterday and despite the cold temperature and the high flows my friend Bret and I headed for the smallest tributaries which recover much quicker after a high water event than larger drainages. We were not surprised to see fisherman everywhere when we arrived, but we still found some open … Continue reading »

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No Steelhead Blues

It looks as though our steelhead “run” has tapered off. Those willing to seek out open spots left in the rivers or drill holes in the ice might find some opportunities, but for the most part chasing migratory trout with a fly will be postponed until spring time. For now my focus will be on … Continue reading »

Categories: steelhead | Tags: | Comments Off on No Steelhead Blues

That’s what I’m talkin’ about!

It’s been a tough fall for steelhead with the dry weather, but the water’s rising and we should see some fresh fish in southern Wisconsin’s tributaries following this rain event. Weeks are numbered until the rivers start freezing up so get out while you can.

Categories: Milwaukee river, steelhead | 1 Comment

That’s what I’m talkin’ about!

It’s been a tough fall for steelhead with the dry weather, but the water’s rising and we should see some fresh fish in southern Wisconsin’s tributaries following this rain event. Weeks are numbered until the rivers start freezing up so get out while you can.

Categories: Milwaukee river, steelhead | Tags: | Comments Off on That’s what I’m talkin’ about!