Over the years I’ve found throughout my friends whom I fish with and also with myself that since our early days of fishing we’ve evolved from eager, fish-hungry type who strive only for size and numbers to a more patient, grateful kind that has found peace in almost every outing be it good or bad. We’ve also realized over the years that to enjoy these wonderful resources ( lakes, rivers, oceans) we have to do our part to ensure that the rivers and lakes have people to look after them. Although states have Wildlife and Natural Resources agencies to regulate our beloved waters, they alone can not scratch the surface of what can be done to preserve what resources we have. Just like most things in America that make a difference, they have to start from the grass roots… thats you! Friends of the Kishwaukee River, Winnebago County Forest Preserve District, and the Illinois Smallmouth Alliance have gotten together to throw “Love Your River Day” on the banks of the Kishwaukee River. Their goal is to simply spread awareness of both the environmental and recreational value of the River. Hopefully, encouraging outdoor enthusiasts to use and protect your local waters. If you got the day off grab a kayak or canoe and float your way to the Espenscheid Forest preserve for the party. And don’t forget to LOVE YOUR RIVER!
here’s a link for more info.