Author Archives: a_rosati18
Orvis’s Hand Picked Fishing Videos
If you haven’t heard of Orvis’s page “The Tug” it is a great way to both save some time and waste some time. They have gone through more online fly fishing videos than is probably healthy, but have done so to save us the time trying to watch some shaky, fuzzy, homemade videos with the sound … Continue reading
Southwest Florida on the Fly
A few days ago I got back from a family vacation to SW Florida where I of course made some time to go fishing. I’ve visited this area my whole life and since picking up a fly rod I’ve looked at it very differently. My dad used to own an offshore boat that we would … Continue reading
Funny Fishing T’s from Fishface
A couple years ago my brother and I got some cool t-shirts as gifts from my mom who bought them at a local craft fair. I liked the simple designs and clever phrases and eventually checked out the brands website. I’ve picked up a few more shirts over the years but they keep coming up with … Continue reading
Salmon Farmers’ ads more full of crap than seabed beneath their pens
Saw this on moldy chum and felt obligated to share it. Salmon farms are generally corrupt, but in open water they also affect our oceans. It amazes me that Government continues to pour money into programs that cost more than they generate both financially and environmentally. This article in Common Sense Canadian magazine debunks every … Continue reading