Tagged With: Steelhead
Steelhead Video
My brother and I recently started playing around with a video program to edit some video clips from this years fishing trips. For some reason we have been having trouble uploading videos to the blog so here is the link to youtube if you wanna take a look. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9NTvi2PFdQo
Indiana Skamania Mania
My brother and I heard that the summer skamania steelhead had finally started showing up in good numbers in Indiana’s creeks so we made the trip this morning to check it out ourselves; the fish are in! With the creeks running low and clear the fishing is very visual. Just about every pool in the … Continue reading
Summer Steelhead?
If you haven’t noticed yet this summer has been HOT! As a result the summer skamania steelhead have not moved into the rivers yet. There have been reports of random fish here and there, but as far as a “run” of fish, it hasn’t really happened. Usually by the first week of July anglers start … Continue reading